Professor Roza Tsagarousianou

Roza Tsagarousianou's profile photo

Professor of Media and Migration

Westminster School of Media and Communication

Switchboard: +44 (0)20 7911 5000
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Watford Road
Northwick Park
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About me

I am Professor of Media and Migration at the Westminster School of Media and Communications of the University of Westminster and the Research Lead of the University of Westminster's  Diversity and Inclusion Research Community. In my role as The Research Lead for The Diversity and Inclusion Research Community, I  set and develop research policy in the area of Diversity and Inclusion across the University of Westminster's Colleges and Schools. 

I have developed and I am currently leading the MA in Diversity and Media, offered in collaboration with the Media Diversity Institute. I hold a BSc (Hons) with Distinction in Political Science and International Studies from Panteion University (Athens, Greece) and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Kent at Canterbury.

I am a member of the CAMRI research centre, the Homelands research group and the Westminster University Migration Network.  I have also held the position of the Director of the CAMRI Doctoral Programme for a number of years, which I have worked to develop and expand. 

I have worked to establish the International Association's Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Diasporas and Media Working Group, and I was appointed as its convenor from 2004 to 2015. 


I lead and taught the following modules: Approaches to Social and Cultural Diversity (MA); Diversity in the Media: Models, Institutions, Practices( MA) Multiculturalism and the Media (BA); Media, Time and Space (BA), Post Graduate Research Methods in Media Studies (MA); Media, Identity and Culture (BA) and Media and Globalization (BA). I am currently the Director of Studies to three doctoral students and the second supervisor to three and I have nineteen successful PhD completions as Director of Studies.


My current research interests include the study of migration, population movements, diasporic media and cultural politics; diasporic youth and digital media; the management of refugee movements and populations; the biopolitics of controil at the borders of Europe; multiculturalism (theory and policy); European Muslim cultures and media; democracy and everyday life.

My most recent research project engages with the management of refugee populations across Europe. I am currently analyzing data collected from fieldwork in two refugee camps, on the Island of Lesvos in Greece. I am focusing on different understandings of rights, and on the use of digital technologies as archives of the past and as spaces for the narration of the future. I am also currently developing work on the use of Kosseleck's understanding of 'historical time' as both a mechanism of migration management and control, as well as of resistance. 

I have published extensively on electronic democracy, migration, diasporic media and audiences and European Muslim cultures. 

My monographs include Diasporic Cultures and Globalization (Shaker 2007) and  Islam in Europe: Public Spaces and Civic Networks (Palgrave 2013). I  have co-edited a special issue of Javnost/The Public (2002:1) on the theme 'Diasporic Communications: Transnational & Local Cross-currents' and a special issue of the Journal of Contemporary European Studies on the theme of Rethinking Multiculturalism. I have co-edited Cyberdemocracy: Technologies, Cities and Civic Networks (Routledge 1997) and a co-edited anthology The Handbook of Diasporas, Media and Culture supported by the IAMCR and published by Wiley Blackwell (2019).

I am interested in supervising doctoral research in the following areas: globalization and transnational cultural flows; migration and mobility, diasporic media and cultural politics; multiculturalism (theory and policy); information and communication technologies and social/political identity formation, democracy, and everyday life, European Muslim audiences and cultures.


For details of all my research outputs, visit my WestminsterResearch profile.