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Jessica Swann

Jessica-Swann's profile photo


Life Sciences

(United Kingdom) +44 20 7911 5000 ext 64617
Copland Building
115 New Cavendish Street
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About me

I am a dietitian, still practicing in primary care. I began my career working as a dietitian specialising in care of the Elderly and Mental Health. I have an interest in the training of other health care professionals e.g. practice nurses and GPs on issues associated with health and nutrition. I worked in Sheffield for 3 years where I managed a small team of community dietitians specialising in public health, particularly the Healthy Schools Pogramme and healthy school meals; as well as the provision of fruits and vegetables in economically deprived areas. I have experience in writing local food and health/obesity policies.

I teach on the postgraduate MSc International Public Health Nutrition, I am module leader for methods of nutritional assessment and I teach on a number of other modules.


Current research interests

  • Obesity management and care
  • Nutrition in institutions (care homes, schools and nurseries etc)
  • Nutrition education and support particularly for type 2 diabetes prevention and treatment
  • Food poverty in the UK and developed countries
  • Food and nutrition for minority ethnic groups in the UK


For details of all my research outputs, visit my WestminsterResearch profile.