- Centre for the Study of the Production of the Built Environment
- Centre for Employment Research
About me
With a background in Agricultural Science, a PhD in Bovine Reproductive Physiology, and training in post traumatic stress counselling and support, I joined the university in 2004. After joining, I successfully completed a PGCHE course and a HDip in Organisational Behaviour. I enjoy collaborating in research on issues relating to diversity in the workplace and emotions in decision making in the agriculture.
PhD (University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland)
MAgrSc (Wageningen University, The Netherlands)
HDip Organisational Behaviour (Birkbeck UK)
My teaching is both at undergraduate and at postgraduate level. I also supervise Masters' and PhD dissertations. My subject specialisms are EDI management, leadership and change, research methods and organisational behaviour. Other subject interests include sustainability in business.
I am particularly interested in using facilitative styles of teaching to foster learning and in transferring research into learning programmes.
My research interests span topics such as gender issues - e.g. gender letter writing representation and diversity in STEMM and other industries - and emotions, behaviour and attitudes towards sustainability issues in agriculture.
For details of all my research outputs, visit my WestminsterResearch profile.