About me
Academic qualifications
MMath (Durham)
PhD mathematics (Nottingham)
Fellow of the higher education academy
Academic experience
University of Bristol (research fellowship)
University of Oxford (research fellowship)
University of Nottingham (research fellowship)
Teesside University (lectureship)
4COSC002W Mathematics for computing (2023, 2024)
5DATA002W Machine learning and data mining (2024, 2025)
5NTCM006 Applied cryptography (2024)
6COSC020W Applied AI (2023, 2024)
6SENG005W Formal methods (2023)
7BDIN006W Big data theory and practice (2024, 2025)
In the past, I have taught modules in areas of pure mathematics and mathematics for engineering.
For details of all my research outputs, visit my WestminsterResearch profile.