Dr Elizabeth Mavropoulou

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Westminster Law School

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About me

Elizabeth Mavropoulou holds a Bachelors in Law (LLB)  from the Greek Kapodstrian University of Athens, a postgraduate degree (LLM) in Public International Law from the University of Westminster and a  PhD in Law from the University of Westminster. 

Before joining academia full time Elizabeth held visiting lecturer positions at University of London (School of Advanced Legal Studies) and University of Westminster.

Elizabeth also worked for nine years for the UK based NGO Human Rights at Sea undertaking research, policy and advocacy. 

Elizabeth writes and publishes in the field of international refugee law and human rights law. Sheis the author of Responsibility Sharing in International Refugee Law: Towards Common But Differentiated Legal Obligations (forthcoming with Brill in 2025)

She has participated in numerous academic conferences and has submitted written expert evidence before the UK House of Lords, the European Parliament and other fora. Elizabeth regularly provides expert training and workshops to journalists, policy makers and practitioners.


Elizabeth is currently teaching public international law, international refugee law, international human rights law and EU law at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. 


Elizabeth researches and writes on international refugee and human rights law. Her research has focused on international cooperation for refugee protection, externalisation of asylum and border control, irregular migration by sea.  Elizabeth has also done extensive research and NGO work on the protection of human rights at sea contributing significantly to the cause. 

Elizabeth is keen to continue to provide expert guidance and training to policy makers with a view to influence, shape and change policy. 


For details of all my research outputs, visit my WestminsterResearch profile.