Dr Julio Gimenez

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Principal Lecturer at CETI


(United Kingdom) +44 20 7911 5000 ext 68991
309 Regent Street
RS 402 Thursdays 10-12pm
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About me

I teach undergraduate and postgraduate courses in English language and academic literacy at the Centre for Education and Teaching Innovation (CETI).

I was educated at the National University of Cordoba, Argentina (BA English Language Teaching), The University of Reading (MA in English Language Teaching) and Queen Mary, University of London (PhD Linguistics). I have lectured at Royal Holloway (London), Middlesex University (London), Queen Mary (London) and The University of Nottingham. I have been an external examiner for the University of Essex, MA in English Language Teaching, and I have examined doctoral students at The University of Essex, Warwick University, The University of Nottingham, and The University of Queensland (Australia) and Jaume I (Spain).

My research focuses on academic literacies within the disciplines, mediated communication in professional contexts, and narrative discourse. My work has been published in national and international journals as well as edited collections.

I have supervised PhD students working on patterns of interaction in dyad communication, communication in professional contexts, and academic literacies. At present, I am supervising doctoral researchers in the area of academic writing by multilingual students in higher education. I would be interested in supervising postgraduate students in any of these research areas.


I have taught modules in English language and applied linguistics at a number of universities since the 1990s. Within these areas I have specialized in computer-mediated communication in professional contexts; academic literacies in higher education; and discourse analysis with a focus on narrative discourse.

At Westminster, I teach undergraduate and postgraduate courses in English language and academic literacy at the Centre for Education and Teaching Innovation (CETI). 


My research has focused mainly on:

  • email communication in professional contexts which has followed a discursive approach to analysing how professionals in a variety of contexts use electronically mediated communication to do their jobs
  • academic writing as social practice in higher education which has been informed by academic literacies and has examined the role of writing in the construction and dissemination of disciplinary knowledge
  • narrative discourse especially in the context of transnational mobility of students and academics

Current/Recent research projects include:

"The language of knowledge in STEM disciplines: Enhancing the communication of new knowledge in science and technology with peers and the public" This is a STEAM multidisciplinary project that seeks to track the trajectories of scientific knowledge across space and time

"Journeys into Higher Education in the UK" with Professor W. John Morgan (Nottingham). This project aims at tracing the successful trajectory of non-British academics into the British HE system

  • "Microethnographies of organizational communication". This research project looks at the communication practices in a number of globalized small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Europe and aims at creating a multimodal corpus of organizational communication
  • "Narratives of transition: International students in the UK". This project examined the lived experiences of a group of international students doing undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the UK

I sit on the Editorial Board of a number of international journals: English for Specific Purposes (Elsevier), the Journal of English for Academic Purposes (Elsevier), Language Value, and Scripta Manent. I am also a regular manuscript reviewer for System (Elsevier), the International Journal of Educational Research (Elsevier), the International Journal of Business Communication (Sage), Linguistics and Education (Elsevier), Text and Talk (Springer), Higher Education (Springer), and Studies in Higher Education (Taylor & Francis).


For details of all my research outputs, visit my WestminsterResearch profile.