Dr Sacha Darke

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Social Sciences

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About me

I am Reader in Criminology in the School of Social Sciences.

External appointments: Visiting Lecturer in Law, University of São Paulo; Visiting Lecturer in Anthropology, State University of Maranhão; Leverhulme Trust Research Fellow 2020-2022.

Previous academic posts: Senior Lecturer in Criminology, University of Westminster (2007-2021); Lecturer in Criminology, Institute of Criminal Justice Studies, University of Portsmouth (2005-2007); visiting Lecturer, School of Law, University of Westminster (1997-2005).

Higher education: Ph.D. Criminology, University of Westminster (2006); M.A. Criminal Justice, University of Southampton (1992); LL.B. Law, Second Class Honours (Upper Division), University of Southampton (1990).

Professional affiliation: Higher Education Academy (Fellow, 2007).


I am course leader for MA Global Criminology and module leader for Global Criminology, Global Prisons and Convict Criminology. On BA Criminology, I am module leader for Connecting Prisons and Universities through Higher Education.

With Dr Andreas Aresti, I coordinate a number of convict criminology programmes that involve collaborative learning, research and writing between social science students inside and outside prison. I was lead author of REF2021 Impact Case Study (Designing and Implementing Participatory Prison Education Programmes in the UK and South America).


My research interests include Latin American prisons, prison higher education and convict criminology. I was jointly awarded the 2023 John Irwin Distinguished Scholar Award from the Division of Convict Criminology, American Society of Criminology.

My doctoral research focused on the use of anti-social behaviour legislation by local government crime prevention partnerships.

I am currently researching community prisons in Brazil.

Key publications:


Darke, S., Garces, C., Duno-Gottberg, L., & Antillano, A. (Eds.) (2021) Carceral Communities in Latin America: Troubling 21st Century Prison Regimes, London: Palgrave Macmillan. Portuguese version (2022): Comunidades Carcerárias na América Latina: Desconcertando Mundos Prisionais no Século XXI (trans: Karam, M.L.), ‎ São Paulo: Tirant Lo Blanch Brasil

Darke, S. (2018) Conviviality and Survival: Co-producing Brazilian Prison Order, London: Palgrave Macmillan. Portuguese version (2019):Convívio e Sobrevivência: Ordem Prisional em Cogovernança (trans: Karam, M.L.), Belo Horizonte: D'Placido

Chapters in books

Darke, S. (2022) Radical alternatives to punitive detention, in Sozzo, M. (Ed.) Prisons, Inmates and Governance in Latin America (pp.329-363),London: Palgrave Macmillan

Darke, S. et al. (2020) Prisoner university partnerships at Westminster, in Shecaira, S.S. et al. (Eds.) Criminologia: Estudos em Homenagem ao Alvino Augusto de Sá (pp.475-498), Belo Horizonte: D'Placido

Journal special editions

Aresti, A., & Darke, S. (Eds.) (2018) Twenty years of Convict Criminology, Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, 27(2)

Darke, S., & Garces, C. (Eds.) (2017) Informal dynamics of survival in Latin American prisons, Prison Service Journal, 229

Articles in refereed journals

Aresti, A., Darke, S, & Ross, J.I. (2023) Against Bifurcation: Why it's in the best interests of Convict Criminology to be international in scope and not a collection of individual country level organizations, Justice, Power and Resistance, https://doi.org/10.1332/HINO6106

Darke, S., & Khan, O.P. (2021) Coloniality, just war and carceral injustice in Brazil, Punishment and Society, 23(5): 723-740


For details of all my research outputs, visit my WestminsterResearch profile.