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Dr Anna Cheshire

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Research Fellow

Social Sciences

(United Kingdom) +44 20 7911 5000 ext 64834
115 New Cavendish Street
9-5 Mondays, Tuesday and Thursdays
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About me

Anna is a Research Fellow in Psychology, School of Social Sciences. Her research experience is in the fields of health psychology, positive psychology and mixed methods evaluations. Anna previously worked at Coventry University in the field of Health Psychology, researching complementary therapy and complex health interventions. In 2007, Anna completed her PhD at Coventry University, which was entitled "Positive reinterpretation in parents of children with cerebral palsy". Her research expertise includes evaluation of complex health interventions, mixed methods research, and understanding the patient experience of long-term health conditions and their treatment. Anna has conducted research in a variety of areas including social prescribing, complementary therapy, chronic back pain, resilience training for healthcare professionals, GP well-being, graded exercise therapy for CFS/ME, men’s mental health and well-being, cervical screening and experience-led commissioning. Her current research includes: understanding orthorexia nervosa, evaluating yoga on social prescription in west London, and the legacy of HIV on health and social care system.



Anna has delivered lectures and supported workshops for Undergraduate, Masters and Professional Doctorate students at the University of Westminster. Topics covered include developing and evaluating health interventions, positive psychology, qualitative research methods, mixed methods research, online surveys, experience led commissioning and real life research experiences.    


Current Research Interests

  • Chronic illness and disability 
  • Complementary Therapies 
  • Positive psychology 
  • Psychosocial interventions 
  • Patient experiences 
  • Health Prevention and Intervention

Research Group

Supporting Patients with lOng-term health Conditions (SPOC)

Research Projects

Current research

Yoga on Social prescription in West London

Negative cognitions about motherhood among non-clinical new mothers

The impact of stress in predicting COVID-19 symptoms, ill-health and decision-making biases in key workers in the UK  

Covid-19 survey response group: Burnout and mental health among University of Westminster staff

Atlas 2.0: Evaluation of the Atlas Men's Well-being Clinic (counselling and acupuncture) for men in distress

 Previous Research

Orthorexia Nervosa: A qualitative study

The Legacy of HIV on health and social care

Graded Exercise Therapy guided SElf-helpTreatment (GETSET) for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: an interview study

Evaluation of the Atlas Men's Well-being Clinic (counselling and acupuncture) for men in distress

What do GPs need to support and build their resilience?

Evaluation of the Westminster REFRAME resilience training for health professionals

Experience led commissioning for specialist maternity services

Evaluation of the Beating Back Pain Service (acupuncture and self-management) for Kensington and Chelsea PCT

Patient experience led commissioning for end of life care

Evaluation of the complementary therapies and musculoskeletal pain project at the Victoria Medical Centre

Health needs assessment of older people and those living with disability in Coventry

The Mosac Massage Programme

The Training and Support Programme for parents of children with disabilities

Assistive technology for fall detection

Identifying reasons for low uptake of cervical screening in Coventry

The nature and experience of adverse effects arising from the delivery of Complementary and Alternative Medicine to children with brain injury

Positive reinterpretation in carers of children with cerebral palsy. PhD research.

Pilot study of the Self-Discovery Programme for teachers in a mainstream school

The Self-Discovery Programme for children and teachers in a mainstream school

Coping styles in chronic fatigue syndrome: a preliminary questionnaire construction exercise


September 2009 to present: Research Fellow, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Westminster

February 2002 to September 2009: Researcher, Faculty of Life Sciences, Coventry University


For details of all my research outputs, visit my WestminsterResearch profile.