About me
Amanda is a Lecturer at the School of Management and Marketing.
She has a Bachelor degree in Social and Political Sciences from the Universidade de Campinas (Brazil). In addition, Amanda has completed her Master of Science in International Development and Management from the University of Westminster.
She is also an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Amanda has lecturing experience on business-related topics on undergraduate modules, including Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, Global Business Environment and Global Economies and Business Environment.
She is currently a co-module leader for Sustainable City Economies (level 5) and is part of teaching teams, such as for Contemporary Issues in Business Management (level 6) and Strategic Innovation in a Digital World (level 7).
Amanda's research interests lie in modern slavery, migration issues and public policy.
She is part of the Labour Migration Research Group, which is part of the University of Westminster.
She has been involved in a research project funded by the University of Westminster Research Communities COVID-19 Funding Scheme called "The 'Inclusion' Challenge: UK Social integration of low-skilled and low-waged migrant workers during the pandemic". This led to a research paper being published called "Migrant Workers’ Exercise of Agency during the Covid-19 Pandemic in the UK: Resilience, Reworking and Resistance" (Miles, L., Freeman, T., Capucci Polzin, A., Reitz, R and Croucher, R., 2023).
For details of all my research outputs, visit my WestminsterResearch profile.