Professor Tom Buchanan

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Professor of Psychology

Social Sciences

(United Kingdom) +44 20 7911 5000 ext 69032
115 New Cavendish Street
Monday 2-3 in person, 3-4 on Teams during teaching weeks, by arrangement (email for an appointment) at other times
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About me

I joined the University of Westminster in 1999, where I am now a Professor of Psychology.


My teaching is mainly in the areas of individual differences and social psychology and the Internet. I have a long-standing interest in the use of student-centred approaches to learning, especially when supported by Internet technology. 


Most of my research since the mid 1990s has revolved around how people behave 'on the Internet', and what the Internet has to offer for psychologists (an area that has become known as 'cyberpsychology'). Much of my work has been methodological in nature, focusing on web-based psychological measurement, validity of online research techniques, and ethics of online data collection. Other projects have generally involved application of these techniques to substantive topics including online self-disclosure, self-presentation, privacy concern, effects of recreational drug use and nutritional supplements. My current focus is generally on how people present themselves in various online spaces, factors affecting how they engage with online technologies, and potential influences of online stimuli on our behaviour. A specific current interest is engagement with disinformation/misinformation on social media.


For details of all my research outputs, visit my WestminsterResearch profile.