John Brissenden

John Brissenden's profile photo

Deputy Course Leader, BA Digital Media

Westminster School of Media and Communication

(United Kingdom) +44 20 7911 5000 ext 68202
Harrow Campus
Watford Road
Northwick Park
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About me

John is deputy course leader for BA Digital Media. He was involved in the design and validation of the programme, and has helped introduce the programme since the first students joined it in 2021. John joined Westminster in 2018 from Bournemouth University, where he was a Senior Lecturer in Public Relations. Prior to joining Bournemouth in 2004, John had a distinguished career in PR, working in agencies in London from 1988 to 1992 and then holding a series of senior client-side roles in the broadcast television sector from 1992 to 1999. From 1999 to 2003, John was Director of Publicity at Sky.


John teaches modules at all undergraduate levels, including 4MECM005W Storytelling Across Platforms, 5MECM007W Consumer Culture and Society, 5MECM011W Celebrity Culture and the Media and 6PURL004W Media Firms and Markets for PR and Advertising. He also leads the postgraduate module 7MECM007W Media Futures.


John is a graduate of the University of Westminster (BA Hons Media Studies 1982-85), and his doctoral research uses psychosocial methods to explore how the British military understood domestic (UK) public support for the war in Afghanistan.