Mustafa Abedmousa

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Applied Management

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About me

I joined the University of Westminster in 2018 as a PhD researcher in construction management. In addition, I am a lecturer in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Birzeit University- Palestine. I hold an MSc Degree in Construction Management (Distinction) from the Civil Engineering Department at the University of Birmingham- UK, in 2008. Additionally, I am trained in civil engineering with a Bachelor Degree (Distinction) from the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Birzeit University, Palestine (2005). Between 2005 and 2007, I was a Teaching assistant in the civil and environmental engineering department. During that job, my work was to follow up with civil engineering students in most civil engineering labs. As well as I gave the students some tutorials in some of the civil engineering modules like Structural analysis, mechanics of materials, reinforced concrete design and statics



Between 2008 and 2018, I taught civil engineering students courses related to the civil engineering field. I led these modules: a) Construction management, b) specifications, quantity surveying and contracts, and c) surveying engineering course as well as I am a lecturer for some civil engineering laboratories like surveying and concrete technology labs. Furthermore, I taught construction management courses for architectural engineering students only.

 I was also supervising final-year undergraduate research projects (approximately four projects per year) in construction project management, mainly in the Use of BIM and Premavira to analyse, prepare the bills of quantities, pricing and scheduling real construction projects in Palestine. 

During my work, I developed several courses and training courses related to construction management, such as BIM, in cooperation with the Consolidated Construction Contractors Company (CCC). I also set manuals for building material and concrete laboratories. Last but not least, I was responsible for the civil engineering training course offered by the Department.    

I also participated in preparing the syllabus of the master in civil engineering offered by the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Birzeit University- Palestine. I also worked with several regional and Palestinian construction companies as a Planner and Quality control engineer to review different designs for infrastructure projects in the West Bank funded by the USAID.


My research focuses on the area of construction labour productivity. I have been attending several seminars, training courses and conferences in this field. Since my study uses mix methods approach, I also have the skills to analyse qualitative data, which have been improved since I became a PhD researcher at the University of Westminster.     

Before joining the University of Westminster in 2018, I managed to published two conference journal articles. The title of the articles:

1-  Applicability of LEED certification system in Palestine

2-Evaluating sustainable housing locations: comparing the use of the network to euclidean proximity in the scoring process


For details of all my research outputs, visit my WestminsterResearch profile.