Transnational communities

Situated in the centre of a global city and with a diverse and politically active student body, we have a strong research interest in debates around migration, multiculturalism, cultural diversity, race and religion.

Recent and ongoing work includes collaborations with Turkish-Kurdish Alevi faith communities on curriculum materials for use in schools, explorations of racial difference in transnational consumer culture, work on suicide among migrant communities, and the role of media activism in the constitution of global publics.

Ethics of Contemporary Culture

Exploring the shifting moral terrain of contemporary popular culture, Sociology staff make critical scholarly interventions into a range of contentious and controversial issues.

This includes work on the night-time economy, late-night drinking and the 24 hour city, the sensual and emotional geographies of everyday life, Islamophobia and racism, and work on queer history and fat activism.

Social Policy Studies

The third pillar of our research engages directly with issues in social policy, and is particularly focused on giving voice to the complexity of lived experience.

This work currently focuses on themes such as human trafficking, young motherhood, obesity, HE policy and the labour market, LGBT parenting, and alcohol policy.