
The following items are included in the tuition fees for all students:

  • Access to student services such as counselling and careers advice, libraries, housing advice, discounted health and fitness and recreation facilities.
  • Professional registration fees where required.
  • Claims for the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) were relevant.
  • Some residential field trips. Check with the Library and Student Centre.
  • Some materials costs.

Please see individual course pages for further information.

For exchanges and study abroad costs, please see our funding your exchange page.


The following items are excluded from the tuition fee for all students and, where applicable, chargeable in addition:

  • Bank fees and exchange losses with conversion of foreign currency payments to GB sterling.
  • All printing and photocopying charges after free print allowances have been used.
  • Fees for Inter-Library Loans (ILL charge) for all undergraduate and taught postgraduate students.
  • Some residential field-trips. Check with your faculty registry office.