Westminster Conversations: An Acumen Eugenics in Society Conference

Date 23 October 2024
Time 10am - 5pm
Cost Free

Examining 100 years of eugenic laws that shaped global perceptions and policies.

About this conference

This conference works to examine the use of eugenics-based laws (and hereditarian thought) to define citizenship, patriotism and the nation itself. Laws, including a series of Mental Deficiency Acts, Race Relations Acts, designed to “make Great Britain Greater,” by managing “social problem groups,” eventually found their way into the everyday lives of British citizens. They continue to thrive today.

Access to event

The link to this event will be sent after registration, closer to the date. The organiser will contact you with instructions on how to redeem your ticket and access the event. 

Call for papers

You are invited to submit a paper for possible inclusion in the first annual Acumen Discussions in Eugenics conference: 1924/2024: Eugenics in the Making of Hereditarian Laws. This three-day conference (23–25 October 2024) partners The Acumen Group with students and faculty at The University of Westminster (London) and Oxford University (Oxford), as well as scholars and community leaders from across the region.

We welcome papers (5–10 pages) and presentations that examine the social engagement of British citizens with eugenics. Areas of interest include:

  • The dissemination of eugenics through schools, media, and public health
  • Ways eugenic policies inform beliefs about:
  • Heredity
  • Disease
  • Social and moral fitness
  • Criminality
  • Reproductive Rights
  • Sterilizations
  • Birth control
  • Forced adoptions (Long Lost Family / Baby Farming)
  • Immigration / Otherness
  • Eugenics in education policies
  • I.Q. tests / Subnormal classifications
  • Suspensions / Expulsions
  • Crown Act (Hair conformity)
  • Mental Health

You will need to indicate your intention to submit your full paper (and presentation) by email to the Acumen guest editor at with the title of the paper, authors, and abstract / synopsis (no more than 100 words). 

Presenters will be allotted 15–20 minutes for presentations. The full manuscript, as a PDF file, should be emailed to the guest editor by the deadline indicated below. 

Important dates

  • Deadline to submit: 23 September
  • Publish date: 27 September