About the event
On 6 and 7 December 2022, the conference 'Justice for Atrocities: Dialogues and Encounters between Latin-America and Europe' will be hosted at Westminster Law School (United Kingdom) and the University of Jyväskylä (Finland). The aim of the conference is fostering a dialogue between Latin-American and European scholars and practitioners on the topic of Justice for Atrocities.
The conference consists of three separate but interconnected sessions. Most of the speakers have been selected through call for papers.
6 December, 2–5.45 pm: National Dialogues & Encounters (online)
The first session focuses on Latin-American and European approaches to justice for atrocities before national courts. The speakers (from academia and legal practice) will discuss their research on the dialogue or lack thereof between Latin-American and European national courts in relation to issues including:
- justice for torture
- state immunity versus access to justice for atrocity
- universal criminal jurisdiction for atrocity crimes
- political exceptions in relation to extradition
- domestic criminalisation of genocide
- the role of civil society in relation to punishment of atrocities
The session opens with a tribute to the late Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade by Professor Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida (FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School) and ends with closing observations by Professor Kai Ambos (Georg August Universität Göttingen, Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Colombian Special Jurisdiction for Peace).
For more information and to reserve your place, visit the National Dialogues & Encounters Eventbrite page.
6 December, 6.15–7.30pm: Pinochet in London: Looking Back, Looking Forward (onsite and online)
Philippe Sands KC (Professor of Law at University College London and Samuel and Judith Pisar Visiting Professor of Law at Harvard Law School) leads this session on the Pinochet judicial proceedings in London. Professor Sands will address the implications of the Pinochet case for his own work in the years that followed and for the research he is currently engaged in for his next book.
The session will take place onsite at The Pavilion, C1.18, 115 New Cavendish Street, London, W1W 6UW. You can also attend online via Zoom.
For more information and to reserve your place, visit the Pinochet in London: Looking Back, Looking Forward Eventbrite page.
7 December, 3–6.20pm: Supranational Dialogues and Encounters (online)
The final session addresses Latin-American and European approaches to justice for atrocities before supranational courts. The participants (from academia and legal practice) will share their research on the dialogue or lack thereof between the Inter-American and European supranational human rights systems. Focusing on the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights, their discussion will explore issues such as reparations for atrocities, amnesties, protection of minorities, and enforced disappearances. The session is enriched by two keynote speeches by Professor Hélène Tigroudja (UN Human Rights Committee and Aix-Marseille University) and Dr Fabricio Guariglia (International Development Law Organization and formerly the International Criminal Court-Office of the Prosecutor).
For more information and to reserve your place, visit the Supranational Dialogues and Encounters Eventbrite page.