Your online reading list will give you easy access to the materials recommended by your lecturers. This might include e-books, articles, scanned chapters, databases and online videos. You can also find locations and availability for print books in the library in your online reading list.

Where to find reading lists

Online reading lists can be found on BlackboardGo to Blackboard site or the Reading Lists site.

Some lists are set out on a week by week basis, others might be organised by theme or seminar group. Your tutors decide the content and order of the list to best support your study.

Saving time

  • Access the list from anywhere with wifi or an internet connection.
  • Download your readings while online, to save onto your laptop, computer or mobile device to read later.
  • Use the ‘Quick Cite’ tool to show individual resources in 10 different citation styles (including Cite Them Right 12th Edition).

Easy to find

  • Links to individual reading lists can be found in Blackboard module pages,
  • From the online Reading Lists home page, you can search for any related subject list out there. Just type the module code or part of module title in the search box. If you can't find your list, ask your lecturer.

Easy to use

  • At the top of your list, you can select ‘View sections’ to get an overview of the list and jump to each section by clicking on it.
  • Each reading or resource will be presented with the title first, followed by the type of resource. This way, you’ll quickly know if it’s a book, article, video, or other format.
  • Click ‘View online’ to access e-resources online straight away.
  • For items which are not available online, but we have in our physical collections, information about the location, shelf number and availability of the resource will be given below the title.
  • Further bibliographic information can be found by selecting ‘Full details’ next to the resource title.

Accessing resources

  • When you click through to access online articles and e-books, you may be asked for your University username and password.
  • When accessing digitised resources (these are usually scanned individual chapters from books or sometimes articles) you will be redirected to Kortext reader. If you’re not already logged into the reading list system, you may be asked to log in – just use your University username and password.