AppsAnywhere is an app store that allows you to access University software from one web portal.
Applications available in AppsAnywhere
You can use AppsAnywhere on your own computer to access over 170 apps that are usually available on a University desktop PC.
If you need help, have a look at our guide to using AppsAnywhere.
Please note: This service is currently only available on Windows 10 machines.
Applications available for use on personal PC laptops
- Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
- Active Perl
- Anaconda
- Anylogic Personal Learning Edition
- ArCore SDK for Unity
- ArCore SDK for Unreal
- Arduino
- Artemis
- Assembly for PIC Micro
- Atelier B
- Atom
- Audacity
- Autodock Vina
- Bandage
- BG Info
- Blast+
- Blender
- Board Station
- Box2D
- Brackets
- BRIG (Blast Ring Image Generator)
- C for PIC Micro
- Camtasia Studio
- Carrot 2
- CDBurner XP
- CFast
- ChemSketch
- Chromas Lite
- Cinder Library for C++
- Ciscopedia
- CloudSIM
- ClustalX
- CMake
- CMap Tools
- Concept Explore
- Deskartes View Expert
- DirectX SDK and Runtime
- Ditto
- DnaSP
- EaglePCB
- EP Filter
- Epi Info
- EvolGenius
- Express SCH
- FastQC
- FastTree and Muscle
- Muscle for FastTree
- FigTree
- Filezilla
- FloppyImage
- Flowgorithm
- FormIT
- FreeCAD 0.18
- Fungus for Unity
- Fusion 360
- G*Power
- Bentley Generative Components
- Git
- Google Chrome
- Google Earth Pro
- Google VR for Unreal
- Graph DB
- Handbrake
- Hank
- HashCalc
- HiView
- HotPotatoes
- HotDocs Player
- HxD Hex Editor
- IDE68k
- Intel HAXM
- IrfanView
- Matlab 2013a
- Matlab 2017a
- Mauve
- Mega
- Mendeley Desktop
- Mendix Modeller
- MGL Tools
- Microsoft Small Basic
- Microsoft Speech SDK
- Bentley Microstation
- MiddleVR
- MinGW
- MinGW 64bit gcc
- MiTec Tools
- MPLab 8.63
- MySQLConnector-J
- MySQL Connector/Net
- NeOn Toolkit
- Netbeans
- Netlab Toolbox
- Notepad++
- Nvivo
- Oracle Virtual Desktop client
- OxLearn
- MPLab-X
- Passive Design Assistant
- Powerlab Experiments
- Praat
- Prime Developer
- ProB B-Method Animator
- Processing
- Programmers File Editor
- Programmers Notepad
- Protege 5.2.0
- PsychToolbox
- PyDEV/LiClipse
- Python 3.7.2
- QSEE Superlite
- R Commander
- R Open
- R Project
- R Studio
- Rapid Miner
- RasMol
- Rayman
- Realflow
- Python Bare Install
- Python-MySQL
- Sage Line 50 Accounts
- Screen Tinter Lite
- SeaView
- Simplified Building Energy Model
- SimVenture
- Skype
- Sonnet Lite
- SPM 12
- SPSS Statistics 25
- SQLite Studio
- Steam VR
- SWI Prolog
- Swiss Protein Deep View
- Tableau
- Take a Break
- TeraTerm
- Terrier
- Unity Standard Assets
- USB View
- Professional