At Westminster, all clubs and societies are free to join – thanks to students’ participation and collaboration between the Students’ Union and University. 

Group of students from the Students' Union

There are hundreds of clubs and societies for students to become part of. Getting involved can help you to meet like-minded people with similar interests and passions, make friends and build community. 


Charlotte, Women's Football Captain


Charlotte, Women’s Football Captain: “Being part of this team means a lot to me - it’s a great community. Taking part in a sport that you not only enjoy, but other people around you also enjoy, is a great feeling. 

“A great benefit for me is that there’s so much support within the club, the SU and amongst other team captains as well. It’s a great little network to be part of. There are always people around you – if you need help, you can ask.” 


Rajat, LGBTI+ Society President


Rajat, LGBTI+ Society President: “Societies are a great way to keep yourself engaged in a safe environment. They not only give you the feeling that you are included and a part of something important, but they also give you the chance to meet new people and learn about other cultures, beliefs, and build long-term relationships. Being a committee member is one of the most fulfilling jobs you can have; you take on the leadership of an entire community. 

“Serving as the president of the LGBTI+ society and building together a team to look after it in the coming years was an experience of a lifetime that I will always treasure. The benefits are countless; you become better as a person, learn a diverse set of skills, make friends, make blunders, and sometimes learn from them, but most importantly, you give back to the community, which is something to be proud of.” 


Katelyn, Cheer Captain


Katelyn, Cheer Captain: “Being a part of a team is really special because it gives you a community while you’re at university. You’re never alone, you’ve always got friends to surround you and you’ve got the same hobbies. There’s always time at training or before training where you can ask someone to meet up with you, and they’ll be there for you. 

“Being in the Dragons is not just about joining the sports team; there are all the socials behind it and events you can attend, and there’s also training outside of the sports such as leadership training. You get so much more out of it than just doing sports.” 


Tino, Rugby Captain


Tino, Men’s Rugby Captain: “Being part of a team means being part of a group that will follow you throughout everything you do in life and will give you certain values that you can take outside of the pitch and put in other parts of your life. 

“Being part of Dragons made a big difference in my life in London, especially since it allowed me to be part of a group, to have fun and to have loads of friends.” 


Hassiba, Women's Basketball Captain


Hassiba, Women’s Basketball Captain: “It’s just so comforting to be part of something. Making friends at university is not always easy and having a team means you have a bunch of people that have your back no matter what. That’s really nice.” 


Lara, Art Society President


Lara Browne, Art Society President: “I felt like it would be fun to do art at university so I could meet other students and get a bit more involved. But after realising that there wasn’t any Art Society already, I decided to take the initiative and start one myself. It’s good to get that balance between work life and something you love.”  


Roberto, Taekwondo Captain


Roberto, Taekwondo Captain: “It’s a great opportunity to meet people and show other people what Taekwondo’s about, teaching them and helping them to learn.

“I’ve met amazing people just through doing Taekwondo and being part of the Elite Athlete Programme (EAP), meeting great athletes and seeing different sports and different members of the university.” 

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