The University of Westminster joins the nation to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day on Saturday 27 January 2024.

The University of Westminster joins the nation to mark Holocaust Memorial Day, which has been established as a day to remember those who were murdered during the Holocaust between 1933 and 1945, including Jewish, Roma, Sinti, Black, sexual minorities and disabled people, amongst others. Holocaust Memorial Day is a stand against prejudice and hatred.

The theme of this year's event is Fragility of Freedom. On HMD 2024, we can all reflect on how freedom is fragile and vulnerable to abuse as well as being eroded. As we come together in communities around the UK and beyond, let’s pledge not to take our freedoms for granted, and consider what we can do to strengthen freedoms around the world. We recognise that dehumanising prejudices and racisms such as antisemitism corrode freedom. 

Each year across the UK on Holocaust Memorial Day, people come together to learn more about the past and resolve to take action to create a safer future. Many people light a candle at 8pm and display it in their windows to remember all those who perished, and as a promise to never let it happen again. At the University of Westminster, in addition to celebrating diversities and nurturing academic freedom, we have a strong resolve to challenge all forms of prejudices.


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