We are conducting a travel survey in line with our Active Travel Plan with the aim of discovering the travel and work preferences of students and colleagues who travel to and from our sites.

A row of Santander bikes parked on a pavement with a bus in the background.

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, travel patterns have changed hugely so we like to gain insight into how travel to campus has changed and the number of people working remotely. 

The survey will be open for one month from May 2 - June 2.

Why take part?

If you enter your email on completion of the survey, you'll be entered into our prize draw where you'll be in with the chance of winning a £10 Love to Shop voucher and a jackpot £100 Ticketmaster voucher to go and see your favourite performer. 

The information you provide will feed back to the University’s sustainability and social responsibility, as well as maximising the opportunity for sustainable travel.  

Take the survey now.

Press and media enquiries

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[email protected]