Google has recently advised that the University is using more than its agreed limit of storage space.

Laptop with exclamation marks

As an organisation, we have exceeded our Google storage limit. IT services are calling upon current students to support reducing the volume of data stored on Google workspaces.

What you need to do...

Please move your Google-stored files and images to the University-provided OneDrive, where there is lots of space for this migration of content.


  • Go to your Google 'my-drive' and delete whatever isn't needed at all and keep what is still useful. 
  • Transfer what you need to keep into your Microsoft OneDrive space.  

Please refer to our quick instruction guide for help. 

You have a terabyte of storage space on OneDrive, which is much larger than what is provided by Google. We encourage you to allocate time to do a tidy-up of your files at your earliest convenience.

Also, please do set a reminder to regularly examine your files in Google, moving any that are relevant over to OneDrive and deleting the rest. 

The deadline

The original deadline for this migration was early January 2023, but Google has now given us until the end of March to complete the work.

What happens if you do nothing? 

If we don’t manage to bring our Google storage use down by the end of March, it will become impossible to save anything new.

If you have any queries or need assistance with the above, please log a ticket with the IT Service Desk. You can also email Service Desk or call 020 7915 5488, or ext 65488 (opening hours 8am-6pm, Monday to Friday).  

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