Application deadline for the Ignite Fund, formerly known as the 125 Fund, is Sunday 12 February. You can apply for grants between £150 - £1,500 to help with your personal and professional development.  

Ignite Fund orange logo

Formerly known as the 125 Fund, this programme has helped over 700 students since it was established and has helped them pursue their passion and interests without the financial burden of being a student. In a competitive employment market, using the fund to gain extra skills can make students stand out to employers. 

The only limit to what students can apply for is their imagination. Over the years, there has been a wide range of projects come through, from setting up a website, developing a prototype, attending conferences, to online courses. The fund exists to make students aspirations a reality.  

Here are just a few examples of what you could use funding for: 

  • Purchasing equipment and materials 
  • Costs associated with starting your own business 
  • Developing a project relevant to your studies such as making a documentary film, setting up a music studio, putting together a portfolio of your work, dissertation projects 
  • External courses related to your degree which will give you the edge once you graduate 
  • Research projects 
  • Attending conferences and workshops 
  • Internships and training opportunities 

Students who are interested in applying should view the application form for more information about the application criteria and take the time to read the application guidance before submitting their application. 

Applications will close on Sunday 12 February. If you miss the deadline, you will not be able to apply until the next academic year.  

For any questions related to the Fund, please contact the Development Team at [email protected].

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