We are celebrating Sustainability Week this month from Monday 21 to Friday 25 February.

To mark the occasion, we are co-hosting the annual London Student Sustainability Conference, and running an SDG poster exhibition across our four campuses. Other events to look out for during the week include a waste awareness pop-up, a plant-growing workshop and a recycling facility visit.

London Student Sustainability Conference

The University of Westminster is co-hosting the annual London Student Sustainability Conference this year in collaboration with City University of London, University College London, London School of Economics, Imperial College, and King’s College London. The student-led Conference aims to highlight sustainability initiatives delivered by Higher Education students across London to raise awareness and encourage further action towards building a sustainable future. This year, the conference is joined by our own Westminster students who will also be presenting their work for the first time.

The conference will be taking place from 12:30pm on Thursday 24 February and will be delivered online. There will also be an in-person networking event with light refreshments at Fyvie Hall at our Regent Street campus from 6:30pm – 8:30pm. We would like to welcome and encourage Westminster students and colleagues to join the conference and show support for some of our own Westminster students who will be presenting during the conference as well.

Throughout the week, we’ll also be hosting a range of sustainability-themed events and activities. These include a waste awareness pop-up, a plant growing workshop, a recycling facility visit, a bike workshop for maintenance and repairs, and more. Please check the ‘events’ section of the Student Hub for more details in the future.

Poster exhibition

Alongside the Sustainability Conference, we will be launching an SDG poster exhibition across our four main campuses during Sustainability Week to highlight any on-going or completed projects from our undergraduate students, doctoral students and researchers that contribute to the SDGs.

All Westminster students and colleagues are welcome to submit a poster following the guidelines that can be found in this Google Drive folder. The poster must be submitted through this Google Forms link by 5pm, Monday 14 February. The posters will then be printed by the Sustainability Team and exhibited at the relevant campus.

We hope to see as many students as possible join us in celebrating Sustainability Week this year. If you’d like to find out more, please get in touch with Dain Son Robinson, SDG Coordinator, at:

[email protected]

Press and media enquiries

Contact us on:

[email protected]