This series of articles offering helpful tips and advice is delivered by our Student Sustainability Team – a group of Westminster students working in close collaboration with the University to design projects which support sustainability on campus.

This week, the Student Sustainability Team show how dining out doesn’t have to cost the Earth.

1. Choose locally sourced restaurants: Choose restaurants that source ingredients locally to help agriculturists near you and reduce your carbon footprint:

  • Look for restaurants whose menus clearly emphasise locally produced and ethically sourced meat
  • Explore farmers’ markets or health co-ops in your area

2. Master plant-based dining: By expanding your selection to include more plant-based options, you’re sure to reduce your environmental impact:

  • Look for vegetarian and vegan restaurants
  • When eating out, choose plant-based alternatives such as mixed greens, grain bowls or vegetable dishes, as these often have a lower carbon footprint than meat options

3. Minimise Food Waste: Being mindful of food waste contributes to a more sustainable food system:

  • Order mindfully to avoid excess food going to waste
  • Make the most of leftovers by requesting takeout containers for any uneaten food

4. Support Eco-Friendly Practices: Visiting restaurants that prioritise eco-friendly practices can have a positive impact on the environment:

  • Choose establishments that use sustainable packaging materials, such as compostable or recyclable containers and utensils
  • Support restaurants that implement energy-efficient measures, such as LED lighting, water-saving fixtures, and eco-friendly cleaning products

5. Engage in Conscious Dining Practising mindful consumption habits while dining out promotes sustainability and ethical food practices:

  • Inquire about the restaurant's sourcing policies and environmental initiatives to make informed dining choices.
  • Support establishments that prioritise fair labour practices and ethical treatment of workers throughout the supply chain.

By incorporating these sustainable dining practices into your culinary adventures, you can enjoy delicious meals while minimising your environmental footprint. For more tips and updates from our Student Sustainability Team, follow @uowsustainable.

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