The second Student Voice Forum was held on 25 January. School Representatives and key colleagues attended with the aim of quickly and effectively acting on any feedback received from students. 

In January’s meeting, School Representatives (School Reps) had the opportunity to reflect on any key successes from Semester one. This included the addition of more power sockets in lecture theatres on the Harrow campus and an increase of food stock in the campus shop, both of which were a direct result of student feedback.

In addition, further discussion included: 

  • How personal tutors could improve initial communication to students, as emails were sometimes being lost
  • Suggestions for the improvement of counselling services to continue to support students.
  • An update on the upcoming new prayer rooms on campus
  • Requests for a new system for School Reps and Course Reps to easily communicate.

Plenty of actions were agreed during the discussion, with updates to be provided to School Reps by University Colleagues at the next meeting of the Forum taking place on 22 March. 

School Reps and colleagues from the Student Voice Forum also met up in person on 15 February at The Old Gymnasium in Regent Street, for an evening of discussion and getting to know each other in person.

All attendees were invited to chat informally about any feedback they had on the Student Voice Forum and any important issues going on in their school at the moment, while eating tasty Turkish food provided by the Students' Union and the University.

Find out about the first Student Voice Forum meeting.

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