Road work has started alongside our Harrow Campus, as part of a major new local development being delivered in partnership between Brent Council, London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust, housing association Network Homes and the University of Westminster.

The Forum Harrow campus

The Northwick Park One Public Estate (OPE) development project is set to deliver 1,600 new homes, improved roads and new public green spaces and amenities. The project also includes proposals for additional new halls of residence and teaching facilities, as well as improved sports provision at our Harrow Campus. 

OPE is an established national programme delivered by the Cabinet Office and the Local Government Association, which encourages public sector organisations to use their property assets together to create economic growth, deliver new jobs and homes, improve public services and operate more efficiently. 

The work currently under way marks the beginning of the first of several phases of development, and the project is expected to be fully delivered over the course of a decade. This first phase is focused on developing a new road between the University and Northwick Park Hospital, which will improve access to Harrow Campus. This work is due to be carried out over the next 18 months. 

Impact of work on students 

The work under way will not limit access to our Harrow Campus – and colleagues and students who drive to and park at Harrow will still be able to do so. Any required road re-routing will be clearly marked for car users. 

In preparation for the road work, a number of trees have been removed on the Harrow Campus site, with many more replacement trees to be planted in later phases of the project. Some of the trees removed have been reclaimed for use in a ‘Mini Meadows’ garden project, which is being developed next to the sports hall and halls of residence. Sections of roadway no longer in use will also be returned to green space, with new grass and seasonal flowers to be planted.   

If you have any questions about this work, please don’t hesitate to contact the Harrow Campus Services team at [email protected].  

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