Applications to join the new Santander Universities Scholars Programme are now open until 11pm on Tuesday 31 January.  

Group of students socialising on steps

About the programme 

The programme will support full-time undergraduate students, due to graduate in 2025, for three years. Each successful scholar will receive £30,000 of funding – split over three years. They’ll also receive access to a series of employability training and development opportunities, a dedicated mentor to guide them through the programme and entry to exclusive networking events.  

One person from the University of Westminster is guaranteed to receive the funding and support. 

Who’s it for? 

To be eligible, students must: 

  • Be an undergraduate student due to graduate in 2025 
  • Self-identify with at least 1 of 10 different groups that the Office for Students have identified as being underrepresented in Higher Education. 

These are:  

  • Students from areas of low higher education participation, low household income or low socioeconomic status 
  • Black, Asian and minority ethic students 
  • Mature students 
  • Disabled students 
  • Care experienced students 
  • Carers 
  • Students estranged from their families 
  • Students from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities 
  • Refugees 
  • Students from military families 

Watch the video for more information.

How to apply: 

Register for the Santander Scholarship programme, which will take you to the application form. You will need to submit this form, sharing your key details, why you are eligible for the programme. You'll also need to answer two questions about how the programme would help you. 

Find out more and apply for the programme

Press and media enquiries

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