At the University of Westminster, we are addressing the everyday issues of environmental sustainability by understanding our impacts and measuring our results.

The aim of the Travel Survey is to understand staff and students’ travel behaviour and attitudes to sustainable transport.

Filling in the survey will help us:

  • Develop and monitor the University of Westminster Travel Plan
  • Report on carbon and reduce emissions
  • Determine barriers to sustainable travel modes such as walking, cycling, bus use and car sharing for staff and students
  • Identify opportunities to facilitate, encourage and promote sustainable travel at the University
  • Understand which initiatives would encourage staff and students to increase the level of sustainable travel
  • Improve active travel facilities to meet user needs

The survey will take you no more than ten minutes to complete. Please share and encourage colleagues and students to fill in the survey.

Survey link

Please access the 2021 Travel Survey by using this link

The survey closes on the 10 December 2021.

Press and media enquiries

Contact us on:

[email protected]