Work has started at our Harrow campus on an exciting new sports hall designed to help meet increasing student and colleague demand for sports and recreation facilities. 

Dragons cheerleading team sat on stairs at Harrow campus

The new space will include a new gym, facilities for court sports – including volleyball, basketball, netball and badminton – and a spectator area for up to 180 people. The sports hall will be available to all students and colleagues to use, and will provide space for our Dragons sports teams to further grow and flourish. 

Developing the new space is part of our Westminster commitment to supporting the wellbeing of students and colleagues. Student engagement in our sports clubs and societies has grown dramatically, particularly over the last year, with more than 10,000 members now active. Our new Harrow sports hall will help to meet this increasing demand, and is expected to be completed later this year.  

As part of the work taking place, new landscaping and planting will be introduced around the sports hall, and many new trees will be planted across our Harrow campus.   

If you have any questions about the new sports hall project, please contact Alessandra Foderaro, Deputy Director of Capital Development in our Estates team. 

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