The University has volunteered to work in partnership with the English higher education regulator, the Office for Students (OfS), to support their research aiming to understand students’ experiences of sexual misconduct in higher education.

At Westminster, we are a compassionate community who look out for each other and our collective wellbeing. We take responsibility for doing the right thing. To help us progress this work, we have agreed to work with the Office for Students on a pilot survey to understand experiences of sexual misconduct and student awareness of our policies and practices in this area.

Remember that If you ever need support, please use our Report and Support platform.

What is the OfS Sexual Misconduct Pilot Survey?

All our returning students should have received email invitations from [email protected] to take part. If you have not done so yet, please look out for these emails and complete the survey before Friday 3 November.  

Your answers will be vital to understand students’ experiences of sexual misconduct and this information will be used to help inform the OfS’s approach to tackling sexual misconduct in higher education.

The findings of the research will help to inform how the OfS regulate universities to protect students against this issue. You can find out more about their work in this area on their website.

Please note that the survey is entirely optional, and you do not have to share anything you don’t want to. If you would prefer not to be contacted about this research, please email [email protected] or call IFF Research free on 0800 0147 350.

Further information

More information, including details about how your data will be used, is available at

If you would like to contact the Office for Students about this research, please email [email protected].

Please check our Report and Support platform if you ever need support.

Press and media enquiries

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[email protected]