The University of Westminster has set out to map the talent and interest in music within its communities.

Students and colleagues are invited to fill in a short survey to identify the musical instruments (including voice) played, the level of involvement in group music-making, the genres listened to and the research carried out into music.

The survey is also designed to gauge interest in participating in musical performances taking place at the University.

The poll comes after the announcement that the restoration of the Fyvie Hall organ will underpin a new era of musical performance at the University, providing access to music for all of its communities.

Work on the pipe organ is currently underway and it is expected that the restored organ will be revealed in the next academic year in its former glory. The launch will be marked with a festival of music-related events and exhibitions, including performances by talent from the University’s communities. The survey also provides an opportunity for Westminster students and colleagues to express interest in performing at such events.

Fill in the survey now.

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