Students as Co-Creators is your chance to improve your learning journey at Westminster by working in partnership with academic staff. 

Students as co-creators

Learn new skills through teamwork, leadership, research, communication, and presentation opportunities. You will also be awarded a bursary when you complete your project! 

Why participate in a Students as Co-Creators project? 

  • Work in PARTNERSHIP with academic staff
  • Increase OWNERSHIP of your learning experience
  • Enhance your EMPLOYABILITY and build transferable SKILLS for your CV 
  • Receive a BURSARY for your hard work!
  • Opportunities to NETWORK and disseminate your work locally and at national conferences 

What is involved in a Students as Co-Creators project? 

  • Identify an area that you would like to work on – this can be in learning and teaching or in your discipline
  • Create a team (up to 5 students and 3 academic staff), have a team meeting and apply by 12 pm, Wednesday 3 November 2021
  • Attend a training workshop from 4 to 5:30 pm, on 17 November 2021
  • Research your idea, produce a report on your findings, showcase your work and present your recommendations!

There are three types of Students as Co-Creators projects that you can get involved with:

  1. Learning and Teaching Research Collaborations – students and staff conduct research to enhance learning and teaching
  2. Disciplinary Research Collaborations – students and staff conduct research within (or across) their disciplinary areas
  3. Curriculum Design Collaborations – staff propose to develop and/or review an aspect of their course or module in partnership with students

To apply, follow these links: Learning and Teaching Research Collaborations, Disciplinary Research Collaborations, Curriculum Design Collaborations, to download an application form. Please email your form to [email protected] by 12 pm, Wednesday 3 November 2021.  

Can’t find a team or stuck for ideas?  Find out more and view previous work at If you need help with submitting your proposal or have any questions, please contact Fatima Maatwk at [email protected]

Press and media enquiries

Contact us on:

[email protected]