Road work continues at our Harrow Campus, as part of a major local development being delivered in partnership between Brent Council, London Northwest University Healthcare NHS Trust, housing association Network Homes and the University. 

The Forum Harrow campus

Campus access continues to be unaffected by the work – with students, colleagues and visitors able to visit and park at Harrow as usual. 

Here are some of latest works underway: 

  • The car park’s exit barrier and a nearby wall have been removed to facilitate future road-widening work. However, arrangements for parking remain the same. Any students or colleagues wishing to park on a regular basis for free at Harrow should email [email protected] to make the necessary arrangements if they haven’t done so already. Visitors parking on a one-off basis should continue to check in at reception upon arrival. 
  • In the coming weeks, hospital traffic will be re-routed onto the exit route of the campus roadway. As traffic volumes are generally low, and vehicles will join the University exit route at the corner of the campus’s M block nearest to Northwick Park Hospital, no significant disruption to campus users is expected.  
  • In the coming months, a new road opening – designed to replace the current vehicle entrance to the campus – will be developed. Visitors will continue to be able to access Harrow by car as usual, and clear road signage will be on display to ensure a smooth transition to the new road layout.  
  • The fence which previously ran between the University campus and the hospital has been removed in preparation for the development of a new roundabout later this year. 

If you have any questions about this work, please don’t hesitate to contact Alex Fleming, the Harrow Campus Manager at [email protected].   

About the Northwick Park One Public Estate (OPE) development project 

The Northwick Park One Public Estate (OPE) development project – of which the current road work at Harrow Campus is part – is set to deliver 1,600 new homes, improved roads and new public green spaces and amenities. The project also includes proposals for additional new halls of residence and teaching facilities, as well as improved sports provision at Harrow Campus.  

OPE is an established national programme delivered by the Cabinet Office and the Local Government Association, which encourages public sector organisations to use their property assets together to create economic growth, deliver new jobs and homes, improve public services and operate more efficiently.  

The work currently under way is part of the first of several phases of development, and the project is expected to be fully delivered over the course of a decade. This first phase is focused on developing a new road between the University and Northwick Park Hospital, which will improve access to Harrow Campus. This work is due to be continued over the next year. 

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