Are you interested in entrepreneurship, self-employment, freelancing, and innovation? WeNetwork would like to invite you all to join the upcoming Enterprise programmes: Start-Up 101 and Freelance Essentials.

Start-Up 101 programme

Start-Up 101 programme is your comprehensive gateway to the world of entrepreneurship. Designed for students and recent graduates who dream of bringing their business ideas to life, this programme is your launchpad to success.

This programme offers tons of benefits and support including expert workshops, mentoring sessions, networking events, field trips, access to funding and lots more.

Apply here

Freelance Essentials programme

Freelance Essentials programme is designed for students and graduates who want to learn everything about starting and running a successful freelance business.

Throughout the program, you'll have the opportunity to uncover your unique talents and passions that will drive your freelance career forward, all while mastering essential freelancing skills, from client communication to project management and pitching to secure paid freelance work.

Apply here

WeNetwork also organises a series of Skills Labs workshops that focus on innovative subjects vital for the modern business world. Whether it’s tech, business models, or mindset training, there’s something for everyone.

Visit the Skills Lab page.

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