Students who missed out on completing the Westminster Employability Award in 2022-23 will have limited access this summer.  

Westminster Employability Award Flyer

We are pleased to confirm that a limited version of the Westminster Employability Award will be operating on Engage until the 31st of July 2023.  

Students who require employability support can access a range of activities, guidance, and online courses via the Award this summer. We particularly invite final-year students to make use of the online pathways, for support when applying for graduate employment or further study opportunities.  

Along with the wide range of employability support available, all those who complete over the summer can also gain a Digital Badge for LinkedIn, in recognition of their engagement.   

Students who wish to get involved can find out more here or can email us at [email protected].  

The Award will close officially on the 31st of July for maintenance, due to reopen in Autumn 2023.  

*Please note, as the final deadline for the Award was the 1st of May 2023, students taking part at this stage will not receive an e-certificate, an invitation to the end-of-year celebration, be entered into any financial prizes draws, or receive any other benefits offered to those who completed by the official deadline. Students should also note that some activities will be closed over the summer.  

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