World in Westminster x Black History Year present: Caribbean Cooking

Date 17 March 2022
Time 12:30 - 1:30pm
Cost Free
The World landmarks on a globe with people in speech bubbles

Join our Black History Year Steering Group and Rosamund Grant for a culinary feast of culture through our Caribbean Cooking event, as part of our World in Westminster Festival.

Rosamund Grant is a published cookery writer, consultant, Caribbean food expert, former restaurant owner. She is also a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist; for well over 30 years has worked as a Clinical Consultant delivering therapeutic services to children and families in Children’s Social Care and also delivering training in Race, Culture and Diversity to various institutions.

Rosamund has authored several books on Caribbean and African cooking, e.g. Taste of Africa (1999) and Taste of the Caribbean (2001) and was one of the ‘Hot Chefs’ on the BBC TV Series.

An excerpt from Rosamund’s first book, Caribbean & African Cookery – Foreword by Maya Angelou, who wrote -

“When Rosamund Grant invites us to join her Caribbean feasts, we can almost hear reggae, sitar and Spanish music in the background. Here at her table are the influences of Africa, India, Spain, France and Portugal. We are offered painless lessons in healthful eating and are asked only to bring open minds and expectant palates. I like this kind of writing and I like this kind of invitation. I accept”. M.A.

In 2001, Rosamund’s oral history was recorded as part of the British Library’s National Life Stories Collection; Food: From Source to Salespoint’. Currently and during Lockdown, she has been volunteering in her local community, producing weekly hot meals for charities and food banks.

Once you sign up, the link to the event will be sent to you closer to the date.

Find out more about our events and news and visit our Black History Year Blog.

About the World in Westminster Festival

The World in Westminster Festival is will be a celebratory global festival, with a host of activities and events on offer to students and colleagues. It will run from Tuesday 15 to Thursday 17 March across our Marylebone, Regent campuses as well as online.