Whose Rainbow? LGBT+ Visibility, Inclusion and Beyond in Our Universities

Date 2 December 2024
Time 1 - 2pm
Location Online
Cost Free

About the event

Join us for a special discussion on the use of the rainbow symbolism in UK universities and the experiences of LGBT+ colleagues and students.

From lanyards to cakes to huge flags, university-branded rainbows have become ubiquitous across many of our campuses today. But how do LGBT+ colleagues and students understand and feel about this rainbow symbolism without our universities? To what extent does such an increase in visual representation of LGBT+ inclusion equate to meaningful change for LGBT+ students and colleagues? 

Seeking to explore these questions, the Q+ Network has invited Tig Slater and Drew Simms from Sheffield Hallam University to present their important new report on rainbow symbolism and LGBT+ inclusion initiatives in higher education. Covering questions such as working conditions, community-building, tokenism, precarity, trust and much more, we hope this event will provide us with a space to reflect on where we are and how we might move forward here at Westminster.

This event is open to all University colleagues and students.

Contact [email protected] for enquiries.