What it Takes to be a Leader from an Ethnic Minority

Date 28 October 2021
Time 6:30 - 8pm
Cost Free
Person on a podium making a speech

Join alumnus Rishi Chopra, a senior executive and business leader in the pharmaceutical industry, as he offers his insight and advice on leadership as someone from an ethnic minority.

Rishi is driven by the belief that companies are most prosperous and successful when they embrace true diversity, and inspiring leaders are those that help cultivate and nurture diverse teams. Rishi also believes that your skills as a leader are constantly being developed as you never stop learning, which is why he enjoys what he does every day.   

In this talk, Rishi will leverage his lived experience as a senior leader from an ethnic minority background to:

  • Present his personal career journey since completing his education at the University of Westminster
  • Comment on the difference between managing people and being a leader, and how he made that transition
  • Share his view on the importance of personal branding, embracing one’s own contribution to workplace diversity, and why authenticity has his been his anchor throughout his career
  • Provide insight on how building strong professional relationships, good mentors and mentoring has been so beneficial for his career development and progression 

Rishi will answer questions during the Q&A session following his talk.

Book your place.

About the speakers