Start-up 101: Business Ideas Café

Date 13 October 2021
Time 5:30 - 7:30pm
Cost Free
Business Ideas Cafe design with green background

It’s reported that 9 out of 10 start-ups fail. The main reason? Companies focus on solving the wrong problem. Join like-minded students to practice different ideation techniques to get to the root cause of problems and begin to generate business ideas that you can then go away and work on.

Learning outcomes: 

  • Participants will be introduced to different ideation techniques to assess and develop their business ideas
  • Learn the ‘5 whys’ iterative interrogative method to understand the root cause of a particular problem
  • Develop brainstorming techniques to build off each others ideas


Participants will be introduced to different ideation techniques to assess and develop their business ideas. Learn the ‘5 whys’ iterative interrogative method to understand the root cause of a particular problem. Develop brainstorming techniques to build off each other's ideas.


About the Speaker:

Claire Renwick is the Programme Delivery Consultant for NACUE as well as a business coach, trainer and personal branding expert.