Remembrance 2020 - Wednesday 11 November

Date 11 November 2020
Time 11am - 1:45pm
Cost Free
Remembrance 2020

Join us for Remembrance 2020 commemorations as part of the University of Westminster community.

11am - Two minutes silence 

Across campuses and digital platforms. All members of the University community are invited to observe this silence wherever they are, shutting down devices and turning attention inwards to contemplate the sacrifices made by others.  

1.15 – 1.45pm - Remembrance Service

All are welcome to join this online gathering where we will come together as a community to remember those who have died in conflict. The service will comprise of contemplative readings and music which represent our gratitude in diversity and the shared human longing for peace and greater tolerance. Circumstances permitting, the service will include a livestream of the laying of wreaths at the memorials in the foyer of 309 Regent Street.

Students and staff of all faiths and none are invited to join online. Please register here.