Remembrance 2020 - Thursday 12 November

Date 12 November 2020
Time 6 - 7:30pm
Cost Free
Remembrance 2020

6:00 – 7:30pm - On Silence and Remembering

As part of Interfaith Week, and Remembrance 2020, the Interfaith team invite all members of our community to join a themed interactive discussion to explore our experience of silence and remembering. 

The event will be co-facilitated by Yusuf Kaplan and David Morris. Participants will be invited to share reflections and interact in a digital space intended for compassionate and engaged dialogue which expands our mutual understanding of, and curiosity in, our human experience.

The themes are open to expansion, intersection and fluidity e.g. silence and injustice, digital silence, remembering the forgotten, filling in the gaps. 

This event requires a minimum number of eight participants in order to go ahead, and is intended for students and staff at the University of Westminster. Please register using your Westminster email address. 

Register and find out more about the event here.