Reconfiguring student-staff partnerships in research

Date 26 April 2022
Time 10 - 11:30am
Cost Free
Students as co-creators

At Western Sydney University (Australia), partnership pedagogies and student-staff partnerships are being supported and embedded for curriculum innovation through the University’s 21C Curriculum Project.

In this seminar, we take student-staff partnerships into a research context by reflecting upon our collaborative approach to the Summer Research Scholarship Program, which provides opportunities for undergraduate students to experience university research. We draw from our participatory practices of a ‘collective reflective’ journal, shared readings and podcast listening, co-analysis and co-writing, regular Zoom meetings, and a Facebook Messenger chat.

Through these research artefacts, we reflect on how we found common ground in crises and connected with one another through digital platforms to identify how we can think, research and act together towards a more just university, and a more just world. 

Find out more about the seminar and register now.