Pride: Protest or Celebration?

Date 27 June 2022
Time 5 - 7pm

Virtual panel discussion organized by Q+ Network (University of Westminster) for LGBTQ+ Pride Month.

In June 1972, thousands of LGBTQ+ people took the streets in Hyde Park to demand their civil rights in London’s first Pride march. Now, 50 years on, Pride has not only become increasingly visible but has also transformed tremendously. Pride is becoming part of the landscape in various countries, often marked by contestation and precarity.

This virtual panel discussion hosted by Q+ Network at the University of Westminster will reflect on the politics of Pride between celebration and protest. Has Pride become a tool of domestication? How does queer liberation fit within contemporary Pride events? How do we as a queer community engage with the commercialisation of our identities, the corporate sponsorship of Pride parades and very visible efforts to incorporate LGBTQ rights for homonationalist purposes? Should radical queers give up or take back Pride? What are the opportunities, and what are the challenges, facing queer communities today? Should Pride be a protest, a celebration, or something else?

This event is open to the public. We welcome anyone and everyone to join us for this exciting and timely conversation


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About the Q+ Network

Q+ Network is a group which lobbies for equity and promotes diversity and inclusivity for colleagues at Westminster. We provide a space and voice for colleagues across the University for those from minority sexualities and genders.

About the speakers