Nutrition Conference 2021 - network, collaborate and share research

Date 16 September 2021
Time 9am - 5pm
Cost Free

The School of Life Sciences is holding a student-led online Nutrition Conference to provide students and professionals with the opportunity to network, collaborate and share their research. The conference is affiliated with the Centre for Nutraceuticals at Life Sciences and sponsored by Gencor Pacific Limited. The conference is free to attend and will take place on Thursday 16 September, 9am - 5pm. 

Students, professionals and general public, both nationally and internationally, are invited to submit their abstract or register to attend. The abstract can be from a dissertation or any other project you have been involved in. The conference is open to all: college/sixth form students, foundation, BSc, MSc, PhD students/researchers, staff, professionals and general public. 

To submit an abstract, register to attend or find out more, visit University of Westminster Nutrition Conference 2021