Mental Wellbeing Workshop with Mind

Date 10 May 2022

End Date 12 May 2022

Time 1 - 2pm
Cost Free
Mind charity logo

Looking after your mental health is vital, but especially in these unprecedented times with the current climate and as you approach exam season too.

We'll be joined by Mind, experts in the field of Mental Health, to deliver a 'Mental Health and Wellbeing Awareness' workshop.

Mind is a Mental Health charity. They assist and empower people to gain an understanding of their mental health and access support.

From this interactive online workshop, you will gain:

  • A deeper understanding of mental health
  • The knowledge to effectively look after your own wellbeing
  • An understanding of how to develop helpful coping strategies
  • The confidence to support others

You will have an opportunity to ask questions and find out about what support is available.

Book your place for either:

-Tuesday 10 May, 1-2pm

-Thursday 12 May, 1-2pm