International Women's Day 2023 #EmbraceEquity

Date 8 March 2023
Time 3 - 4pm
Location Online
Cost Free
Diverse women from all backgrounds looking in the same direction

Join this online event, organised by the Women of Westminster (WOW) Colleagues Network, marking International Women's Day taking place on Wednesday 8 March.  

#EmbraceEquity is what we believe in, unconditionally. Equity means creating an inclusive world. Award-winning Franco-Irish journalist, filmmaker and writer Myriam Francois will be discussing the tightrope balancing for women navigating their careers and their home lives, and if women can really have it all!

Forging gender equity isn't limited to women solely fighting the good fight, it requires everyone to embrace equity for the social, economic, cultural, and political advancement of women, join us and share your stories alongside Myriam.

Find out more and register via Eventbrite to book your place.