Interfaith's Team winter gathering – sharing stories around the fire

Date 16 December 2021
Time 3:30 - 6pm
Cost Free

​A winter gathering around a warming fire for colleagues and students at the University of Westminster, hosted by the Interfaith team.

About this event

As the sun approaches its lowest point in the sky many religious, spiritual and secular traditions in the northern hemisphere celebrate the light, or the turn towards brighter days which takes place in late December. The Interfaith team will be making a fire around which colleagues and students can come together to share in:

  • guided meditation
  • looking back at the year
  • looking ahead to next year

Participants are advised:

  • To bring some food and drink
  • To dress for outdoors.

More Information


  • Exact location will be sent to all attendees closer to the date.
  • The event may be cancelled 24 hours before if forecast wind or rain, or on the day if weather turns on day.