Graduate Success Series: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Date 12 April 2023
Time 4 - 5pm
Location Online
Cost Free
Student success with world lightbulb on teacher chalkboard

About the event

This one-hour session, delivered in partnership with 'Inrehearsal', is designed to help attendees identify saboteurs that generate negative emotions and barriers that prevent them from succeeding in their career.  

The workshop will focus on identifying and overcoming the persistent self-doubt and aims to help build self-confidence and trust in your own merits and abilities.

The event will cover the following:

  • Discover your top 3 saboteurs and learn how to work with them
  • Rewire your brain shifting the self-talk
  • Cultivate self-compassion to build your work confidence

Book your place via Engage.

About the Graduate Success Series

The Graduate Success Series offers a series of workshops with speakers sharing their knowledge, experience and advice on topics to help boost your employability and personal development.

The series is aimed at final year students (undergraduate and postgraduate taught students) although students from all levels are welcome to attend.