Freelance Essentials: Financial Management & Reporting for Freelancers

Date 8 February 2022
Time 5:30 - 7:30pm
Cost Free
person typing on a laptop

Comfortably one of the biggest pains setting up in business is getting to grips with finance and business administration. In this workshop, we will go through a checklist for you to start with confidence.

Prepare & start 

  • personal budget
  • business startup cost
  • pricing - how to work out an hourly rate
  • business formats sole trader or limited company
  • bank accounts
  • when & who you need to tell

Review & develop

  • introduction to the business modela
  • online accounting
  • cashflow forecasts

Survive & thrive

  • business administration
  • VAT
  • useful resources

Learning outcomes: 

After attending this workshop, you will feel more confident running your business.

Who is this event for:

Ideal for anyone thinking about or already running a freelance business.

About the speaker:

Johnny Martin FCA is The Numbers Coach™ – an experienced Finance Director who now passionately explains business numbers and jargon. He is the author of ‘Understanding Your Business Finances’, and his workshops during Global Entrepreneurship Week have won ‘High Impact’ awards.